Some voices are not being heard in the buzz. Those voices are from communities who live right beside the BRI projects, have the most direct access to BRI impacts, and therefore, are the most credible witnesses to these projects.
About the Book
Since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, the Chinese government has signed 198 deals with 137 countries and 30 international institutes by the end of Nov 2019. Trade in goods between China and the Belt and Road en-route countries reached over USD$ 7.5 trillion, and China’s direct investment in these countries surpassed USD$ 100 billion.
These projects and trade have brought benefits to host countries’ and made it more feasible to realize certain sustainable development goals (SDGs) sooner, such as no poverty, quality education, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, and industry, innovation and infrastructure. At the same time, controversies and even suspicions around BRI have been getting louder.
Our Partners

People of Asia for Climate Solutions (PACS)
People of Asia for Climate Solutions (PACS) aims to inspire climate hope and promote climate actions in Asia, by working with and for people, from climate victims to renewable energy technicians, from energy consumers to investors, from journalists to governments. With the world’s largest population, the fastest growing population, economy and urbanization, Asia is at a historical moment with historical obligation to turn the climate crisis into an unprecedented opportunity for a cleaner, fairer, safer, and stronger global future.

The Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)
The Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development is a regional alliance of peoples’ movements, community organizations, coalitions, NGOs and networks. It was founded in October 2000. APMDD’s membership currently consists of 54 national organizations across 12 countries in Asia — Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka – and 4 multi-country networks operating regionally and globally. APMDD is an advocacy and campaign organization — catalyzing and reinforcing national campaigns, conducting regional campaigns, and participating in global campaigns – working with its members and partners for gender, environmental and climate, financial and economic justice, and systemic transformation.

The Asia Comms Lab (ACL)
The Asia Comms Lab is a network of communication professionals, aimed to build strong narrative in Asia on climate change and clean energy, as a bridge between governments, businesses, scientists, NGOs, and media.